All-in-one Recruitment Marketing platform
Explore the possibilities

create jobmatix campaign
Jobs import

Job data

Job ads are automatically uploaded, enriched and classified. AI, Machine Learning and international data standards ensure that jobs automatically meet all the requirements of online channels. Optimal ease in publishing job vacancies.


Smart automation

Automatically set up rules to enrich and optimize job texts and job fields. Easily create rules when jobs should or should not be advertised. Stop advertising on vacancies automatically when a certain number of applications is reached or when vacancies perform poorly. You can easily create rules by yourself in just a few clicks.

Job data rule
"Jobmatix helps us advertise our vacancies more efficiently on job boards in the right way. As a result, working with Jobmatix has led to a significant increase in the number of responses to our vacancies."
Lotte van den Dries


Campaigns; settings


Set up multiple job feeds and create campaigns in just a few steps. Promote jobs easily on Indeed, LinkedIn, job boards and many other online channels. Campaigns on performance-based job boards are managed automatically, aligned with strategy, goals and results. Choosing job boards and contacting them directly is no longer necessary.


Our campaign partners

insight 2.


With your own Jobmatix performance dashboard, you have instant insight into results, including visitor numbers, applications, budget spent and cost per application and more. Optimize your jobs based on these insights and strengthen your recruitment marketing strategy.

Getting started with Jobmatix?

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Jobmatix benefits

  • Connected to all major job boards
  • One platform for all online job advertising channels
  • Optimal flexibility and control
  • Save time and money
  • Real time dashboard with insights
  • Support from Customer Success Team